Maxspect RSX : new Maxspect led fixture !
After Maxspect Recurve announcement a few months ago, recommended for wide or deep tanks, Maxspect announces now a new model, worthy successor to their Razor (or R420r): the Maxspect RSX. Let’s discover what we know about it!

Maxspect RSX
Under this this name hides a four models range of LED fixtures from 100 to 300 W. LED are dispatched into 50 W pads. So a 100 W model will have two pads and up to six pads for the 300 W models.
These fixtures feature a built-in controller like Razors. There will be a wireless Master / Slave mode similar to Recurves’ one. The Maxspect RSX will also be compatible with the Syna-G App when connected to an ICV6, sold separately.

Some characteristics of the four announced models :
- R5-100 : 18.4’’ * 10.2’’ * 6.7’’ (L * w * h), suits for 19.7’’ to 27.6’’ tanks, 2 * 50 W Pads.
- R5-150 : 27.6’’ * 10.2’’ * 6.7’’ (L * w * h), suits for 27.6’’ to 35.4’’ tanks, 3 * 50 W Pads.
- R5-200 : 33’’ * 10.2’’ * 6.7’’ (L * w * h), suits for 35.4’’ to 47.2’’ tanks, 4 * 50 W Pads.
- R5-300 : 47.6’’ * 10.2’’ * 6.7’’ (L * w * h), suits for 47.2’’ to 59’’ tanks, 6 * 50 W Pads.

We will keep you up to date with this new Maxspect RSX LED fixture as soon as we know its availability and recommended price.
Meanwhile, you can discover all about Maxspect products on Aquarioom website, official distributor of the brand in France, Benelux, Austria and Germany.