Ecotech Radion G5 – Complete Review
The Ecotech Radion G5 is the fifth generation of LED fixture by Ecotech. They keep improving it thanks to their experience in developing lights for reef tanks.
Four models are available: XR15 PRO, XR15 Blue, XR30 PRO and XR30 Blue. Blue ones are developed to improve corals coloration and fluorescence whereas PRO models are balanced for their growth and coloration. But of course, corals will grow under Radion G5 Blue, and fluorescence is visible under PRO.
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Whereas previous generation had 2 LEDs clusters, Radion G5 has their LEDs on the whole surface. They are made of black anodized metal. One grid is on the upper side, and lateral vents are visible on the sides. Blue models display a blue strip on their body. Three physical buttons are on the upper side of the light.
Dimensions : XR15 (Lxlxh) 18 x 18 x 3,9 cm / XR30 (Lxlxh) 30 x 18 x 3,9 cm
Ecotech designed an unique lens: the Hemispherical Edge Illumination (HEI). Under this name hides an optical plate covering each diode with an hemispherical dome spreading light in every direction. HEI has been designed to mix colors with the less possible power loss on a large surface.

An optional Diffusor is sold separately to improve color mixing with minimal PAR reduction. It also reduces the risks of long-term corrosion of the fixture in case of water splashes. PAR measurements with and without diffusor are similar : it does not block any light.

Mounting solutions
Three optional mounting systems are proposed by Ecotech:
- Single Arm RMS: complete kit to fix one fixture to the tank glass (up to 3,5 cm thick). The fixture hangs approximatively at 18 cm above the tank glass.
- Multi-Light RMS system: DIY kit to use multiple Radions on a tank. For this, you need one RMS Track of the length of your need (amongst 52, 77, 102, 128, 153, 179, 204, 229 cm), one RMS Slide for each fixture, and according to your choice, two RMS Track Hanging Kit or two Multi RMS Arms.
- Single Hanging Kit: One kit allows to hank one single Radion over the tank. The cables is 182 cm long.

LED Composition
Ecotech Radion G5 display 11 LEDs colors to create an infinite choice of spectrum. Blue models don’t have warm white diodes, whereas PRO don’t have Cyans. XR30 LED composition is simply the double of the XR15.
We measured emission spectra of the Ecotech Radion G5 XR15PRO at full power, and each channel individually. Emissions are plotted as relative : the maximum is normalized to 1.0. You can click to enlarge pictures.
We are now using the Radion XR15 G5 PRO for several years with this spectrum on a mixed corals reef tank (SPS, LPS, soft). Each channel power is indicated on the plot. It has been developed to have good balance between corals fluorescence, their growth and a natural look of the tank.
Finally, we compare the XR15 full power spectrum to the absorption spectra of major corals photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments (diadino).
Main Radion G5 Pro emission in the blue and purple domain corresponds to the pigments absorption wavelengths. Red emission corresponds also to chlorophyll a activation.
PAR measurements
After assessing the light spectrum, we measured intensity of light that is beneficial for coral growth, specifically using PAR (more accurately referred to as PPFD). The intensity is measured in micro-moles of photons per square meter per second (µmol photons/m²/sec).
Measurement Conditions: Intensity was recorded with all channels set to 100% power (shown in the first three plots) as well as under a program we typically use for a mixed reef tank (shown in the last three plots).
Depth Measurements: Measurements were conducted at depths of 20, 40, and 60 cm below the Radion G5 XR15PRO light fixture.
Measurement Area: An area of 80 x 60 cm was used for the intensity measurements.
Measurement Environment: Measurements were taken in open air, as the light reflection on the water surface can vary significantly depending on water flow.
Results :
20 cm below the LED light, PAR (PPFD) values are quiet high under the fixture, ranging from 300 to 920 on a 40 x 40 cm area.
At 40 cm from the light, 200 and higher values are measured on approximatively the same 40 x 40 cm area.
Finally, 60 cm below the XR15 PRO, almost all measures PAR values are higher than 90 on the whole 80 x 60 cm measurements area.
Below, you can see the PAR values taken with the spectrum we use :
The heatsink is a vital component in the design of light fixtures. LEDs generate heat as a byproduct of their electrical properties, and it is essential for this heat to be dissipated into the surrounding air to ensure the longevity of the LEDs.
Ecotech Radion G5 features active heatsink with a fan. It ensures good air flow to cool down the LED board.
We took thermal images of the Radion XR15 G5 PRO after 10 hours running :
Unfortunately, the fan is audible in living or dining room.
We conducted noise measurements using a smartphone app, taken from a distance of 1 meter from the tank:
Ambient noise with the Radion XR15 OFF: 28.1 dB
Noise level with the Radion XR15 running at full power: 32.9 dB
More technical details
Mobius App
Ecotech Radion G5 are dimmable and programmable thanks to Mobius App. It is available on any bluetooth Android or iOS mobile device. The app also allows to control other Ecotech and recent AquaIllumination devices.
After creating an account, you now add a tank to your profile, and connect each device you want to control. For this, you only have to switch on bluetooth on your phone or tablet.
Once the devices added to your tank, you can set up a program by creating one, or choosing one in the presets library. You can also save yours in the library. Creating one daily program is easy : create points to the time points you want to have a change of light spectrum and set percentages for each channel.
When you use several Radions, you can pair them so that you don’t have to create a program for each one.
Amongst various options, you can :
- Reduce total intensity for a smooth acclimatation to the new light of your corals and avoid burning by excess of light. You can choose the intensity and time period it will take to rise up to the full intensity of your program.
- Customise the use of the fan : maximal speed, activate permanent running
- Add storm and cloud effects
- Implement your program with lunar light

Récifal News feedback
We enjoy:
- Nice color mixing
- 10 channels allowing to finely adjust the power of each color
- Mobius app : very instinctive, easy to setup, reactive
We regret:
- The noise produced by the heatsink fans.
General information
PAR and spectrum measurements were conducted using a spectroradiometer with a range of 190 to 850 nm and a resolution of 0.5 nm. Heatsink measurements were taken with a FLIR thermal camera, and electrical features were evaluated using a power consumption socket.
By Axel, Marine Biology Master – Principles and Management of Marine Ecosystem Functioning – Lille University – Specialization in Photosynthesis, Light, and Phytoplankton.
For more information about Ecotech, vsit their website.